Great Lakes Bush Viper, Atheris nitschei TORNIER, 1902 of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
Great Lakes Bush Viper, Atheris nitschei TORNIER, 1902 of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
Mountains of the Moon pygmy chameleon, Rhampholeon monteslunae HUGHES, BEHANGANA, TILBURY, DEHLING, KUSAMBA & GREENBAUM in HUGHES et al. 2024 of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
Strange-horned chameleon, Kinyongia xenorhina (Boulenger, 1901) of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
Klipspringer, Oreotragus oreotragus aureus (Zimmermann, 1783) of the Lake Mburo / Uganda
The tree pangolin or also known as the white-bellied pangolin, Phataginus tricuspis mabirae (Rafinesque, 1821) of Uganda – Bwindi The white-bellied pangolin is rare because it is severely threatened by illegal trade and habitat loss. Its scales are used in…
Mountain Gorilla, Gorilla beringei beringei Matschie, 1903 of the Rushegura family in Uganda – Bwindi Encountering mountain gorillas in Uganda is an extraordinary experience, offering a glimpse into the lives of one of the world’s most endangered species. Found primarily…
Ruwenzori three-horned chameleon, Trioceros johnstoni (Boulenger, 1901) of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
Ruwenzori side-striped chameleon, Trioceros rudis (Boulenger, 1906) of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
Rwenzori turaco, Gallirex johnstoni ssp. johnstoni Sharpe, 1901 of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
The blue-headed sunbird, Cyanomitra alinae Jackson, 1904 of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda