Rwenzori turaco, Gallirex johnstoni ssp. johnstoni Sharpe, 1901 of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
Rwenzori turaco, Gallirex johnstoni ssp. johnstoni Sharpe, 1901 of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
The blue-headed sunbird, Cyanomitra alinae Jackson, 1904 of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
Male of the regal sunbird, Cinnyris regius Reichenow, 1893 of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
The black-and-yellow broadbill Eurylaimus ochromalus (Raffles, 1822) of central Sarawak / Borneo (1450m ASL)
Sunda scops owl Otus lempiji (Horsfield, 1821) of Kuching / south Sarawak / Borneo
The Crimson sunbird Aethopyga siparaja (Raffles, 1822) of south Sarawak / Borneo
The straw-headed bulbul Pycnonotus zeylanicus (Gmelin, 1789) of central Sarawak / Borneo It is listed as critical endangered and is threatened by habitat loss and poaching.
Hooded pitta, Pitta sordida (Statius Müller, 1776) of south Sarawak / Borneo – Pitta sordida mulleri (Bonaparte, 1850)