Taurus Shield Bug – Embolosterna taurus (Westwood, 1837) – lowland of central Sarawak, around 300m ASL.
Taurus Shield Bug – Embolosterna taurus (Westwood, 1837) – lowland of central Sarawak, around 300m ASL.
Bull Horn Shield Bug – Pygoplatys lancifer – lowland of central Sarawak, around 400m ASL.
Flat bug of the Aradidae – Spinola, 1837 – family, lowland of central Sarawak, around 100m ASL. Probably a member of the following genera Aphyseteres, Chelysocoris or Chelonocoris.
Feather-legged assassin bug – Ptilocerus sp. from the Holoptilinae subfamily (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) – lowland of central Sarawak, around 400m ASL. Ptilocerus venosus (Walker, 1873) (?) Little is known about this genus, some species within Ptilocerus produce a secretion in…
Penthicodes farinosus (Weber, 1801) of south Sarawak / Borneo Penthicodes farinosus can be found not only in the forest but also sometimes a cities. In the pictures below are two individuals. While one individual is “milked” by an ant to…
Juvenile Leaf-footed bug, Prionolomia sp. – central Sarawak / Borneo
Nymph of Giant Shield Bug, Pygoplatys validus Dallas, 1851 – central Sarawak / Borneo
jade-green cicada, Dundubia vaginata Fabricius, 1787, central Sarawak / Borneo male of Dundubia vaginata
Pomponia decem (Walker, 1857), south Sarawak / Borneo
Penthicodes bimaculata (Schmidt, 1905) from Sarawak / Borneo